Student Senate
As members of the Student Senate of Benedictine University, we pledge to serve the Benedictine community by voicing the needs and facilitating the development of the student body.
We as the Student Senate elected officials are elected and appointed officials that are recognized as the official voice that represents the undergraduate student body at Benedictine University. In that capacity, it shall engage with university officials, organizations and students in order to enhance students’ academic and social experience.
Time: 12:30-1:20 p.m.
Frequency: Tuesdays, bi-weekly (1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month)
Location: Goodwin Hall of Business, 411
Keep up to date with Student Senate on our Social Media!
Instagram: benustudentsenate
Twitter: SenateBenU
Facebook: BenUStudentSenate
Senate Executive Board Application
Senate Legislative Branch Application
2023-2024 Executive Board
College of Science and Health
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College of Liberal Arts
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Goodwin College of Business
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Events Committee
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