students at table laughing at laptop

Tuition and Fees

Estimate your costs

Tuition Calculator

Estimate Your Cost of Attendance

Use the tuition calculator to estimate your college costs, including tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, meals, and other related expenses.

Visit the Business Office web page for additional tuition information, payment options & deadlines, withdrawal & refund policies, appeals, and FAQs.

Worried about paying for college?

Don’t be.

67% of Benedictine University students receive financial aid or scholarships.

Your future is waiting.

Two women posing in front of a large letter b.


BenU students receive an average of over 27 million dollars in scholarships each year.

Two young men posing for a picture in front of a building.
Two young men posing for a picture in front of a building.

Financial Aid

Need-based financial aid is available for qualifying students.