Prevention Peer Educators

The Violence Prevention programming (including PEACE initiatives and Prevention Peer Educators) aims to prevent and respond to sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking through prevention education, collaboration, outreach, and advocacy. The Violence Prevention office is committed to taking a survivor-centered approach, which means that if a student is victimized, they are given the options and make the decisions about what services they would like to access. If the survivor reaches out to a Prevention Peer Educator, they are able to make the choice on whether or not they would like to report the incident. Prevention Peer Educators are required to use confidential services, such as the Counseling Center or our victim services partners as a resource and are not expected to take on peer disclosures alone. Prevention Peer Educators will explain to students that if they choose to report to Title IX, this does not automatically require an investigation but will give them further access to support services and potential accommodations for housing or academic support. When survivors report to Campus Security Authorities they have the right to remain anonymous.

As leaders in their community, Prevention Peer Educators are critical to violence prevention and response work at Benedictine University. They provide education, advocacy, and support to students across campus and to the local community through awareness raising events, interactive workshops, and information sharing.