Nutrition and Dietetics Multicultural Scholars Program (MSP)

Scholarship Amount

$6,500 for two years

Who Can Apply?

  • Transfer students
  • Pre-Dietetics or Nutrition and Dietetics major
  • College of Science & Health


The MSP at BenU provides scholarships and funds supplemental opportunities to support the recruitment, engagement, mentoring, retention, and academic success and career preparation of underrepresented undergraduate students pursing a major in Nutrition and Dietetics at BenU.


  • At the time of application, the student must be attending, or be accepted into, BenU or William Rainey Harper Community College.
  • Hold at least junior (or 3rd year) standing at BenU at the initiation of the award.
  • Accepted into the undergraduate Nutrition and Dietetics program at BenU. Those in the pre-dietetics program may also be considered.
  • Be a member of an underrepresented racial or ethnic minority group (priority given to those who are Black/African American and/or Latinx/Hispanic/Spanish).
  • U.S. citizens or permanent legal resident of the U.S.
  • Meet or exceed a cumulative GPA of 3.000/4.000.
  • Express a strong interest in pursuing a career as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, as evidenced through the written application and an interview. Essays are evaluated by a committee.

Additional Information

If more applicants apply than MSP Scholar positions available, level of financial need will be considered (as indicated from your FAFSA submission to the University). Eligibility does not guarantee acceptance into this MSP program, due to grant funding limitations.

In addition to a $3,250 scholarship per semester, for a maximum of four semesters, to each Nutrition and Dietetics MSP Scholar, the funding will pay for student memberships to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, partial to full coverage of a professional conference, lab fees for select NUTR courses, and funding of a RDN test practice program for senior year. Plus, there is funding to promote global engagement; a $3,000 award per Nutrition and Dietetics MSP Scholar is available towards participation in one BenU study abroad program. The overall value of the award approximately $19,000 per student inclusive of both years, assuming participation in a professional conference and study abroad (plus some administrative costs paid by the grant for teaching, supplies, and oversight).

Conditions of Participation in the Grant

To participate in the MSP, you must agree to the conditions detailed below. Confirm your agreement with your signature and date at the bottom of the application form.

You understand that the scholarship and other funding is awarded on a per semester basis, for up to four undergraduate semesters. This award is provided to juniors and seniors who are accepted and retained in the BenU Nutrition and Dietetics MSP. Students who are selected as Nutrition and Dietetics MSP Scholars for their junior (or 3rd) year do not need to reapply for the scholarship in their senior (or 4th/final) year. Progress and continued eligibility of each MSP Scholar are reviewed by the Nutrition and Dietetics MSP Team at the end of each semester.

If accepted into the MSP Scholars program, you agree to participate in the following activities during your junior and senior years:

  • NUTR 3296 Community Health Practicum in junior/3rd year (spring or summer)
  • NUTR 4493 Leadership in Dietetics (fall)
  • NUTR 4494 Leadership in Action (spring of senior/4th year)
  • Tutoring by a peer, if grades warrant it and/or you request it.
  • Regular and active participation in mentoring.
  • Regular communication with the BenU Nutrition and Dietetics MSP Director, Catherine Arnold ([email protected]).
  • Active participation in focus groups, held at least once each term to provide feedback.
  • Complete surveys as requested by the MSP Director.
  • Active practice (online) taking the RDN practice exam.

You are strongly encouraged to discuss attendance/participation at a professional conference and BenU study abroad program, funded in part or fully by this grant.

You understand that to be reimbursed for expenses listed or as designated by the MSP Director, you must have written pre-approval for the expense and submit an original receipt within 21 calendar days, or sooner, following the expense. Pre-approval is required as BenU will pay a vendor directly in some cases.

You understand that you must maintain a cumulative BenU GPA above 3.00/4.00 and continue to actively pursue the Nutrition and Dietetics major as a full-time student (i.e. taking at least 12 hours per semester) to continue as MSP scholar. If MSP Scholar status is not maintained according to the eligibility and conditions outlined above by a MSP Scholar, a student could reapply again once the required eligibility and conditions have been met.

The red box below will link you to the application form. Applications should be submitted by March 30 or November 15 prior to the term one first becomes eligible (refer to eligibility criteria above). Applications are open until designated spots in the program are filled for a given year.

The Program is full at this time. Additional scholarships may be available in the future.