Office of Institutional Compliance and Risk Management
At Benedictine University, we strive for excellence. We understand that doing the right thing as well as doing things the right way is vitally important, and we believe that true excellence is reached only through means that adhere to the highest standards of integrity.
All members of the Benedictine University community are responsible for helping to create and maintain an environment characterized by high standards of ethical behavior and compliance with law and University policies. The University is subject to a wide range of laws, regulations and policies that govern its various activities; honest, informed and responsible conduct by faculty, staff, and business partners helps to assure that the University remains a law-abiding institution.
Benedictine University expects its trustees, officers, faculty, staff and business partners to advance the University’s mission of education guided by the Roman Catholic tradition and Benedictine heritage as part of the responsibility with which they are entrusted. All trustees, officers, faculty, staff and business partners are responsible not only to conduct themselves at all times so as to protect scrupulously the interests of Benedictine University, but also must do their best to observe and comply with all laws, rules and regulations and to avoid situations where their conduct may be called into question.
Policy | Policy Description | Link to download Policy |
Understanding FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act | The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) is a federal law that protects the privacy and integrity of a student’s education records by generally prohibiting the disclosure of personally identifiable information from education records maintained by the institution, and by granting the student the right to review their education records and to request the addition, correction or deletion of information in their education records. | Download the Understanding FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act policy |
Conflicts of Interest Policy | Benedictine University’s (the “University’s”) Conflict of Interest Policy helps assure the integrity and objectivity of the University’s decision making; protects University funds through proper stewardship and the avoidance of fines and penalties; and protects the reputation of the University from adverse media attention and government scrutiny. | Download the Conflicts of Interest Policy policy |
Annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure Questionnaire Forms | Benedictine University’s Conflicts of Interest Policy provides guidelines about business and personal relationships between Benedictine employees, suppliers and other business entities as well as guidelines regarding the use of University resources for purposes other than University business. | 2025 Annual Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Questionnaire – Faculty 2025 Annual Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Questionnaire – Staff |
Identity Theft Detection and Prevention (Red Flag) Policy | Benedictine University’s (“University”) Red Flag Program (“Program”) identifies and incorporates into the Program, relevant Red Flags for Covered Accounts; detects and reasonably responds to Red Flags in order to prevent and mitigate Identity Theft; and ensures the Program is updated periodically to reflect changes in risks to students from Identity Theft. | Download the Identity Theft Detection and Prevention policy |
Research Misconduct Policy | This Policy applies to all research conducted at the University, whether or not federally funded (and whether or not supported by PHS), and to all members of the University’s research community who are employed by, are agents of, or are affiliated by contract or other agreement with the University. | Download the Research Misconduct policy |
Whistleblower Protection Policy | Diligent efforts will be made to protect the individual making a complaint from retaliation for his/her good faith activities in the initiation of, or cooperation with an inquiry or investigation of wrongful conduct. | Download the Whistleblower Protection policy |
Non-Discrimination Policy | In administering its affairs, Benedictine University does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, creed, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, disability, military or veteran status, marital status, citizenship, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. The laws applicable to Benedictine University include constitutional and statutory protections of the University’s rights as a religiously sponsored institution. | Report discrimination or harassment to or U.S. Dept. of Ed. Office of Civil Rights Tel: (312) 730-1560 TDD: (877) 521-2172 |
Alcohol and Drug Policy | Guidelines regarding the use, sale, delivery, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages in or on any property owned or controlled by the University. | Download the Alcohol and Drug policy |
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program | University polices and regulations related to drug and alcohol abuse prevention. | Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program |
Biennial Review Report | A review by the Institution of its Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program. | Biennial Review Report |
Title IX Policy | This policy establishes procedures for reporting and responding to incidents of sexual misconduct; and sets forth available resources to individuals reporting sexual misconduct; and for individuals accused or responding to allegations of sexual misconduct. | Download the Title IX policy Visit the Title IX page for additional information |
Smoking (Tobacco) Policy | The Smoking/Tobacco Policy is changed in consideration of the health risks to community members, environmental impact and community member feedback with the prohibition of tobacco products, smoking and vaping use. | Download the Smoking (Tobacco) Policy policy |
Policy Regarding Minors in Laboratories | Benedictine University is committed to fostering a safe environment for minors and prevent minors’ exposure to hazardous materials, laboratory pathogens, injurious incidents, and other inherent dangers that may be present in University laboratories. This Policy establishes requirements regarding the presence of minors in University laboratories. | Download the Policy Regarding Minors in Laboratories |
Delegation of Contract Signature Authority for Procurement of Goods/Services Policy | This policy sets forth the University personnel authorized by the President to approve and sign contracts for the procurement of goods/services for their respective area(s) of responsibility. | Download the Delegation of Contract Signature Authority for Procurement of Goods /Services policy |
Financial Conflicts of Interest Policy for PHS-Funded Research | It is the policy of Benedictine University to assure that research conducted under the University will be free from bias by any conflicting financial interest of an Investigator, defined as the PI/PD and any other person, regardless of title or position, who is responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research funded by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, or proposed for such funding, which may include, for example, collaborators or consultants. | Download the Financial Conflicts of Interest Policy for PHS-Funded Research Complete the Investigator Significant Financial Interest (“SFI”) Disclosure Form |
Policy to Request Accommodations | Benedictine University will make every effort to provide eligible students with reasonable accommodations based on individual learning needs and recommendations. | Download the Policy to Request Accommodations |
Homeless and At-Risk Students Policy | Benedictine University provides assistance to enrolled students who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness in accordance with IL Public ACT 102-0883. The University has designated a liaison to assist enrolled students who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness. | Download the Homeless and At-Risk Students policy |
Record Retention Policy | Benedictine University Trustees, officers, faculty, staff and agents are responsible for ensuring that University information and records are created, used, maintained, preserved, and destroyed in accordance with this Record Retention Policy. | Download the Record Retention Policy Records Retention Schedule |
Prohibited Incentive Payment Policy | Benedictine University does not pay employees within student recruiting, admission activities or who make decisions regarding the award to students who use financial aid, any bonus or commission. Employees are paid their annual rate of pay, and those who are hourly are subject to overtime according to FLSA laws. They are not eligible for any incentive programs. | Download the Prohibited Incentive Payment Policy |