Yaeger and Sorensen Receive Prestigious Pasmore-Woodman Award



Professor Therese Yaeger and Professor Emertius, Peter Sorensen, received the prestigious Pasmore-Woodman Award at the National Academy of Management this year.

The Pasmore-Woodman Award is presented annually and is sponsored by Emerald Group Publishing, publishers of the ROCD series. The award has been established by the ODC Division in recognition of the contribution that Bill Pasmore and Dick Woodman have provided to the ODC field by creating the Research in Organizational Change and Development (ROCD) Annual series. The award is given to two or more colleagues who for a sustained period of time have managed to maintain a significant working relationship that has resulted in work that is original and innovative and that has informed ODC research and practice. The award can be made for work that is outstanding either in the sense of content or medium; the work could have been published in the form of traditional journal articles as well as monographs, edited collections, book series, ebooks, open access publications, films, etc.

Additionally, in the spirit of this award, both Professors Yaeger and Sorensen were invited to publish an article in the Fall issue of the OD Journal and will both also serve as special guest editors of the 2023 issue of the OD Journal.

Visit the Academy of Management website to read about the award.

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