Student Clubs, Organizations & Intramurals

Below is a wide spectrum of opportunities in which students can get involved. If you don’t see a club that speaks to your interests, you can start your own. All it takes is 10 passionate students, a faculty/staff advisor and a can-do attitude (additional information and the proposal form are below). Some clubs meet on the Lisle Campus (L), some on the Mesa Campus (M) and some may have a virtual option. 

Academic and Pre-Professional Clubs & Organizations

  • Accounting Club
  • American Chemical Society/Society of Physics Students (ACS/SPS)
  • American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
  • Anatomy Club
  • Benedictine University College Republicans
  • Computer Science Club
  • Criminal Justice Club
  • Investment Club
  • Math Club
  • Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy Club (OT/PT)
  • Pharmacy Club
  • Political Science Student Association (PSSA)
  • Pre-Dental Club
  • Pre-Law Society
  • Pre-Optometry Club
  • Pre-Physician Assistant Club
  • Psychology/Sociology Club (L+M)
  • Student Association of Nutrition and Dietetics Club (SAND)
  • Tri Beta Biological Honor Society

Service Clubs & Organizations

  • Active Minds
  • American Red Cross
  • Care to Cure
  • Doctors without Borders
  • Engineers Without Borders
  • Fempower
  • Jr. Chamber of Commerce
  • Naturalists Club
  • People for Animal Welfare (PAWs)
  • Project ESTEEM
  • Rotaract
  • SPHINX Club – Students Providing Health Initiative
  • Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC)
  • Students for Ecological and Environmental Development (SEEDs)
  • Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
  • Theta Phi Alpha Sorority
  • Veterans of the Armed Forces

Spiritual and Cultural Clubs & Organizations

  • Association of Latino American Students (ALAS)
  • Benedictine Polish Student Alliance (BPSA)
  • Black Student Union (BSU)
  • Campus Ministry COR
  • Hindu Student Association (HSA)
  • Hispanic Student Association
  • Humanist Club
  • Muslim Student Association (MSA)
  • Queers and Allies
  • South Asian Student Association (SASA)
  • St. Benedict Chapel Choir in Lisle
  • Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)
  • Students Organize for Syria (SOS)

Social Clubs & Organizations

  • The Arts Club (TAC)
  • Book Club
  • Commuter Student Association
  • Fashion Cub
  • Sci-Fi Fantasy Club
  • Strength Club
  • Theatre Club

Leadership Opportunities

  • Jo Wilson Leadership Institute
  • Leadership, Empowerment, Action, Development, Service (L.E.A.D.S.)
  • Orientation Leaders
  • Programming Board
  • Redhawk Student Association (M)
  • Student Senate (L)

Intramural Sports

  • Basketball (L&M)
  • Chess (M)
  • Dodgeball (M)
  • Flag Football (L)
  • Spike Ball (L)
  • Soccer (L&M)
  • Table Tennie (L&M)
  • Ultimate Frisbee (L)

Intramural sports are getting an overhaul! Some may not be available yet so keep checking back!
For additional information, go to BenU’s Intramural Sports page.

Musical Opportunities

  • St. Benedict Chapel Choir (L)
  • Athletic Band
  • Concert Choir (MUSI 1122)
  • Concert Band (MUSI 1121)
  • Wind Ensemble (MUSI 1120)
  • Jazz Ensemble (MUSI 1128)
  • Chamber Orchestra (MUSI 1129)
  • BenUkes

Start a New Student Organization or Club

Benedictine University reserves the right to register groups of current Benedictine University students who desire to become a formal student organization. Groups applying for registration must provide an engagement opportunity not currently provided by a department or organization on campus. Registered student Organizations must demonstrate adherence to the University mission through their constitution and bylaws and comply with all University policies, procedures, regulations and guidelines. Benedictine University reviews the mission and constitution of each group during the process of starting a new organization and monitors programs and activities for ongoing compatibility with the University’s mission and values.

Process for Starting a Student Organization

  1. Fill out a New Student Organization Request Form online.
  2. Complete a New Student Organization application packet which includes the following:
    1. Mission statement
    2. How the mission statement relates to the Benedictine University Mission
    3. Constitution
    4. Roster of Executive Board Officers (including names, contact information and class standing). Executive Boards must have a minimum of 3 positions.
    5. Name and Contact information of the Advisor
    6. List of names and contact information of all interested students (must have at least 10 including Executive Board Officers)
    7. Calendar of proposed events
    8. Goals of the club/organization
    9. Proposed student club/organization logo
    10. Proposed plan for longevity and continuation of the organization
  3. The Advisor must complete the Advisor Confirmation Form prior to the meeting with the Assistant Director for Events and Organizations.
  4. Make an appointment with the Assistant Director for Events and Organizations to confirm that all of the above documents have been received and are fully completed. The application packet must be submitted 1 week prior to the SORC Meeting.
  5. Attend the SORC meeting and present during your allotted date and time.
  6. The SORC Committee will make a recommendation to Student Senate. The SORC Committee will recommend one of the following:
    1. Recommend with approval of Student Senate
    2. Provide feedback to organization for changes for additional review
    3. Deny recognition – if recognition is denied a written statement with explanation will be provided
  7. Following the recommendation, Student Senate will place the proposed New Student Organization on the meeting agenda for an upcoming meeting. Following Student Senate’s ruling, the Assistant Director for
  8. Events and Organizations will email the status decision to the proposed New Student Organization.
    If approval status is received, the following steps must be completed in order to move the group from approved status to registered.
    • Complete the Student Organization Registration form
    • the Executive Board and Advisor will need to attend a mandatory new student club/organization training with the Assistant Director for Events and Organizations to go over operating policies and procedures. Approval of an organization is contingent upon mandatory attendance at the new student club/organization training.
  9. If a proposed student organization is denied status, they will either be asked to make revisions and attend the next SORC meeting or denial status will be final.

*Those who have submitted a New Student Organization Request form must follow the outlined process until approval or denial status is given. Groups may be allowed to participate in Eagle Stop to garner interest but cannot identify themselves as a Registered Student Organization at Benedictine University. Sharing publicity or identifying on social media or websites as a Registered Student Organization at Benedictine University is not permissible until Registered Student Organization status is given. Meetings and events cannot be held until Registered Student Organization status is given. Failure to comply with the outlines process and policies will automatically result in denial status.

Student Organization Proposal Form