Entrepreneurship Minor

Student Health Services

At Benedictine University, we are committed to supporting our students academically, but also spiritually, mentally and physically. Student Health Services is here to support our students in caring for their physical and mental wellbeing. We provide primary care for acute minor illnesses and injuries, and wellness programming to help our students care for themselves while fulfilling their academic goals.

If you are experiencing an emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest hospital.

Closest hospital: Edward Hospital 825 S. Washington Street Naperville, IL 630-527-3000.

For mental health crises: Linden Oaks Naperville Main Campus 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for an emergency walk-in assessment. Linden Oaks Main Campus is located at 852 S. West Street in Naperville. You may call Linden Oaks at 630 305-5027 for more information.

The office is open to all undergraduate registered students

Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
during the academic year.

Students do not need to make an appointment and all office visits are confidential. In the event of serious illness or injury, parents or guardians will be notified at the discretion of the staff.

We Help Students Maintain an Optimal Level of Good Health

The goal of Student Health Services is to help students maintain an optimal level of good health and well-being. We want to see students achieve academic, social and personal goals, and get the most out of their college experience. The Student Health Services is nurse-directed under the guidance of a licensed physician.

*We do not manage or treat chronic illnesses and conditions. You should maintain your relationship with your primary care provider to manage your illness or condition. We encourage out-of-state students with chronic conditions to work with their insurance carrier to find a local health care provider.

Services Available

  • Assessment of acute minor illness and injuries
  • Family practice physician on-campus once a week Wednesday afternoons
  • Limited over-the-counter and prescription medications
  • Health education resources
  • Rapid strep screen
  • Mono test
  • Urine dipstick
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