Radical Hospitality Award Winners


Title image for radical hospitality

In recognition of the transformative power and impact of the Hallmark of hospitality, Benedictine University is proud to recognize those who practice Radical Hospitality, welcoming all guests and Christ and creating an environment in which all are seen and have their needs met; a place where all belong. 

You are, therefore, invited to nominate members of our community who demonstrate Radical Hospitality, as shown by Faculty, Staff or Students who:

  • Display exceptional service to students, parents, alumni, or guests to create positive experiences;
  • Advance the work of their team and fosters collaboration that enables an environment of hospitality to thrive;
  • Maintain a positive environment even when dealing with tense or stressful situations, including the handling of complaints or concerns from students, parents, alumni, or guests to the campus;
  • Exhibit culturally aware and inclusive practices in a manner that helps everyone feel seen, heard, and appreciated for who they are and what they bring to the community;
  • Promote a joyful environment that fosters community and encourages others to engage in the life and activity of campus.

To recognize someone within our community, please make note of their hospitality in action and submit your nomination. Your nomination helps us to appreciate all the ways in which our colleagues and friends go above and beyond in their work in transforming the lives of those we serve and in turn transforming us all as a community in radically wonderful ways.

Nominations may be submitted at any time, with recognition happening on a monthly, rolling basis.

To nominate someone, please fill out this Formstack linked here

Marco Masini
Jonathan Henderson
Debbie Kane
Marc Davidson
Sebastian Obacz