Lisle Campus

Institutional Review Board

All research conducted at Benedictine University which involves human or animal subjects must first be reviewed by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). The mission of IRB is to assure that ethical guidelines for research are followed.

IRB reviews each research proposal and will either approve the proposal or make a formal request for changes to meet NIH and/or APA or ACA ethical guidelines for research involving human subjects. In cases of animal or other sensitive research, the proposal will be considered by a subcommittee designed specifically with that expertise. The IRB committee consists of several faculty members representing all colleges and who are engaged in their own original research in addition to their academic responsibilities. On occasion, when specific expertise is required, community experts are invited to aid in the review process.

Applications for review of research are accepted by IRB at any time, and are reviewed by the committee typically on a two week turn around during the academic calendar year. Note that end of semester deadlines for submission are the first Friday of December for fall semester and the first Friday of May for spring semester. Applications received outside of the regular academic calendar year (during breaks) or those of a sensitive nature that require full IRB board review, are completed as time permits. Applicants are encouraged to access specific handbooks for advice in completing specific research projects with the appropriate templates (consent forms, parent permission, institutional agreements, etc.)

Applying to IRB

  1. Click on the red button marked “IRB Online Application” (below).
  2. Once in the application, complete the checklist and application; upload all attachments as you complete the form.
  3. Utilize the “Save and Resume Later” link at the bottom of the form, and you may return to your application at a later time for modifications.
  4. Once the form is complete and all attachments are uploaded, click the “Submit to Advisor” button.
  5. Your application is routed directly to your ADVISOR (whatever email address you provided in the box you completed for advisor email) so they can approve it.
  6. Once your ADVISOR approves the application, the ADVISOR forwards it to [email protected]. A simple note of “this application meets my approval” is sufficient. Students are encouraged to check with advisors to be certain that it is forwarded in a timely manner.
  7. Once ADVISOR-approved applications are received at IRB, they are routed to a subcommittee. Feedback can be expected within two weeks during the academic calendar. Feedback is sent both to the student researcher and their ADVISOR. The student is expected to work with their ADVISOR to address feedback from the IRB committee. Applications submitted outside of the academic calendar, or on breaks, reviews may take additional time. If revisions are recommended, the two-week turn around process restarts from the time IRB receives materials from advisors and/or students.