Feed the Need! Hosted at the Rice Center


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picture of volunteers during Feed the Need event on benedictine's campus

Benedictine University (BenU) will partner with Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) to host the annual Feed the Need! MobilePack event on March 8 and 9. The event aims to pack more than 800,000 life-saving meals for children and families in need around the world. Volunteers from the community, including individuals, families, schools, churches, and businesses, are invited to participate in this impactful initiative.

Since its inception in 2011, the Feed the Need! MobilePack initiative has mobilized volunteers across the country to pack millions of meals. This year, the effort is expected to surpass 10 million meals nationwide, marking a significant milestone in the fight against global hunger.

The event will take place at BenU’s Rice Center, where volunteers will work together to measure, scoop, and pack meals consisting of rice, soy, dried vegetables, vitamins, and minerals. These meals are specifically designed to provide essential nutrients to malnourished children and will be shipped to communities in need around the world.

Shift times are available as follows:

  • Saturday, March 8: Noon–2 p.m., 3–5 p.m., or 6–8 p.m.
  • Sunday, March 9: 10 a.m.–Noon

Volunteers as young as 5 years old are welcome to participate, making the event an ideal opportunity for families, school groups, and community organizations to engage in meaningful service. BenU faculty, staff, students, and alumni are encouraged to join the 3–5 p.m. shift on Saturday, March 8, to help fill the Rice Center with a strong showing of university support.

The event is organized by a coalition of churches, civic organizations, businesses, schools, and individuals from DuPage, Will, and Kane counties. Gerald Subaru of Naperville and North Aurora, the event’s premier partner, has donated supplies to pack 70,000 meals. More than 40 additional partners and sponsors have also contributed to making the event possible.

“We’re seeking more churches, businesses, and civic groups to participate with volunteers and funding so we can reach our meal production goals to feed starving kids and families,” said Matt Hebel, chairman of the Feed the Need! MobilePack. “We can’t wait to see the Rice Center filled with so many generous volunteers packing food, saving lives, and giving hope.”

In addition to meal-packing shifts, organizers are seeking volunteers to assist with setup, cleanup, and other logistical tasks before and after the event. Those interested in supporting these efforts are encouraged to reach out to event coordinators for more information.

To register for a shift or learn more about the event, visit feedtheneedillinois.org or fmsc.org. Walk-in volunteers will also be welcomed.

The Feed the Need! MobilePack event represents a powerful opportunity for the community to come together and make a tangible impact on global hunger. By dedicating just two hours of their time, volunteers can help provide meals that will nourish and sustain children and families in some of the world’s most vulnerable regions.