Phillip Hardy, PhD

Phillip Hardy, PhD


Faculty Email:

Phone: 630-829-6292

Office Location: Scholl 228 H

Ph.D., Arizona State University | 2010
M.A., Arizona State University | 2003
B.A., North Central College | 1997

Selected Publications
“So Many Open Doors?: An Examination of Gender Stereotypes in State Judicial Campaign Advertisements” with Brian Patterson, Teri Walker, and Mary Barbara Walsh. The Journal of Women, Politics and Policy. Forthcoming.

Public Report: “Joy and Grievance in an American Diocese: Results from Online Surveys of Active and Inactive Catholics in Central Illinois” with Brian G. Patterson and Kelly Kandra. Available online at, in cooperation with the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois (2014).

“Who Is Barack Hussein Obama? An Experimental Examination of the Effects of Chain Emails and Fear Appeals on Citizen Attitudes in the 2008 Presidential Campaigns” with Brian Patterson and Mary Walsh. The Illinois Political Science Review 14 (2011).

“How Firm a Foundation?: Church Organizational Structure and the Political Mobilization of Congregants” with Michelle L. Chin and Adam Warber, National Political Science Review Vol. 10: 29-42 (2005).

Selected Presentations
“So Many Open Doors? An Examination of Women Candidates and Campaign Strategies in State Judicial Elections,” with Teri Walker and Mary Walsh. Midwest Political Science Association Conference (2011).

“Examining Opinion Formation and Elite-Framing Effects in High Choice Information Environments.” Midwest Political Science Association Conference (2010).

“Who Is Barack Hussein Obama? The Internet and Deception in the 2008 Presidential Campaign,” with Mary Walsh. Midwest Political Science Association Conference (2009).

“Cyber-rumors and Misinformation in the 2008 Presidential Race,” with Mary Walsh. Symposium on Faculty Women’s Scholarship & Creative Work, Elmhurst College (2009).

“Links in a Chain: Examining the Influence of “Cyber-Rumors” and Misinformation in the 2008 Presidential Race,” with Mary Walsh and Teri Bengtson. Illinois Political Science Association Conference (2009).

“Who Is Barack Hussein Obama? The Impact of Cyber-Rumors and Chain Emails in the 2008 Presidential Race.” Elmhurst College Faculty/Student Brownbag (2008).

“Compassionate Free-Riding: How Church Organization Structure Affects the Development of Civic Skills.” Southern Political Science Association Conference (2002).