Marv Camburn, PhD, Emeritus

Marvin Camburn, PhD

Emeritus Awarded in Business and Finance

Emeritus – Business and Finance

A lifelong educator and student, Marvin was a college professor and administrator, including Dean of Faculty and Instruction at Benedictine University. Marvin received a Bachelor’s Degree from Albion College, Master’s Degrees from the University of Detroit and Benedictine University, and a PhD from Michigan State University.

Dr. Marvin Camburn, as dean of faculty and instruction at Benedictine University helped more than triple the number of graduate programs. and was a popular professor.

“He was a quietly competent and dedicated professor who always put the needs of students first,” said former colleague Ralph Meeker, dean of the university’s School of Science. “As a college administrator, he possessed a clear vision and guided the university through a period of great change.”

Dr. Camburn began his career at Illinois Benedictine College, now Benedictine University, in 1978 after several years of teaching mathematics at Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pa.

He initially served as the dean of faculty and instruction, during which time he helped establish new graduate programs in several fields, including public health and counseling psychology.

“When Marv first came to the college, we had only one master’s degree program in business administration,” Meeker said. “He added five new ones, all strong, well-staffed graduate programs that are, in fact, still around today.”

During that time, Dr. Camburn earned a master’s degree in business administration from Benedictine.

“From the start, he had a tremendous impact on students and faculty alike,” said former colleague David Striker, the university registrar. “He had a welcoming spirit and stressed the importance of community at the college.”

In 1988, Dr. Camburn stepped down from his job as dean and became a full-time professor in the MBA program.

“One of the things he did very effectively was relate to his students, most of whom were working adults trying to balance careers with studies,” Meeker said.

Born in Stockbridge, Mich., Dr. Camburn earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Albion College. He went on to receive a master’s degree in mathematics from the University of Detroit and a doctorate degree in mathematics from Michigan State University.

Dr. Camburn retired from Benedictine University in 2003 and was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease a year later. In 2005, he moved to Arizona, where he completed more than 20 paintings of Arizona landscapes. He died of complications from Alzheimer’s disease Saturday, Jan. 3, at his home in Scottsdale, Ariz.