Christopher Birks, MA

Christopher Birks, MA

Associate Professor

Faculty Email:

Phone: 630-829-6252

Office Location: Scholl 169

M.A. (Communication), Northern Illinois University | 2008

B.S. (Economics), Central Michigan University | 1990
Selected Presentations and Publications
“Utopian images and gender in web-based advertisements: A view from the starting line.” In Dreams for Sale: Utopian Images and Narratives in Advertising. Eds. Luigi Manca, Alessandra Manca, and Gail Pieper. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2012. 103-114.

“Advocating change.” U.S. State Department-sponsored Philippine Minorities Program (The Past Is Always Ahead of Us: Empowering Indigenous and Minority Leaders in the Southern Philippines): Davao, Philippines (January 2011).

“Challenges of leading a photo department.” Associated Collegiate Press and College Media Advisors annual convention: Louisville, KY (October 2010).

“Anatta-net. Comparing the Buddhist concept of no-self to the structure of the Internet.” Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication midwinter conference (Media and Religion group): Norman, OK (March 2009).

“That’s the one! An examination of spot news photography choices.” Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference (Visual Communication division): Chicago, IL (August 2008).