Cheryl Heinz, PhD, Biological Sciences

Cheryl Heinz, PhD

Department Chair
Associate Professor

Faculty Email:

Phone: 630-829-6581

Office Location: Birck 334

BenU faculty since 2004
Postdoctoral fellow, Center for Insect Science, University of Arizona (2002-2004)
PhD, Cornell University (2002)
BS, University of Illinois (1993)

Courses Previously Taught
Ecology, Ecology Lab, Plant-Herbivore Interactions, Animal Behavior, Principles of Organismal Biology, Insect Biology

Awards and Recognitions
Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence by Fulltime Faculty 2012

Research Area
Plant-insect interactions, behavioral and chemical ecology, butterflies and other insects

Past Research Projects

  • Ecological field work including surveys and samples of plants and butterflies in the local area. Behavioral observations on the host-plant choices of the black swallowtail butterfly. Physiological plant ecology of native prairie plants. Preference and performance assays with caterpillars and moths, continuing a study to look at the effects of plant nutrient status with these insect behaviors.