Allen Legutki, PhD

Allen Legutki, PhD

Professor, Music
Department Chair,

Faculty Email:

Phone: 630-829-1995

Office Location: Scholl 107

Ph.D., University of Illinois | 2010
M.M., Illinois State University | 2003
B.M.E., Illinois State University | 2000

Allen R. Legutki received BME and MME degrees from Illinois State University, and the Ph.D. in Music Education from the University of Illinois. Before joining the faculty at Benedictine University, he taught undergraduate instrumental methods courses and a graduate administration and supervision course at the University of Illinois as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Education. He has served as Editorial Assistant and Associate Editor of the Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, and now serves on the division council for music teacher education and as state research chair for the Illinois Music Education Association.

At Benedictine, Dr. Legutki teaches several undergraduate methods courses, psychology of music, concert band, and additional music and humanities courses. Also, he serves as the advisor for an active collegiate chapter of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), which recently received national recognition for chapter growth and professional development projects.

Dr. Legutki’s research interests include music student motivation, teacher and performer identity, and social dynamics within group music activities. He has presented on these and other topics at local, national, and international conferences. His secondary school teaching experience includes middle and high school concert band, jazz ensemble, and music theory in Sullivan, Illinois, where he also served as director of student activities for Sullivan High School.

Selected Presentations and Publications
“Music teachers as musicians and academics: A case study” (Breaux, M. L., Legutki, A. R., & Smith, T. D.). Poster session presented at the 29th International Society for Music Education World Conference, Beijing, China (August 2010).

“Collaborating during doctoral coursework: Providing support and building professional collaborative skills” (Legutki, A. R., Breaux, M. L., & Smith, T. D.). Panel discussion (“Creating, fostering, and maintaining partnerships among junior researchers”) at the International Society for Music Education North American Regional Seminar and Summit, Anaheim, CA (March 2010).

“‘I got in, but now what?’ Preparing students for a successful all-state conference weekend” (Hendricks, K. S., Breaux, M. L., González-Moreno, P. A., Kellum, B. W., King, K. N., Legutki, A. R., Paluck, C. A., & Smith, T. D.). llinois Music Educator 70.1 (2009): 59-64.

“Music teachers’ identities as performers: A case study of a benefit recital” (Legutki, A. R., Smith, T. D., & Breaux, M. L.). Poster session presented at the annual conference of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), Columbus, OH (October 2009).

“Competence, autonomy, and relatedness: Psychological needs in music education.” Poster session presented at the annual conference of the Illinois Music Educators Association, Peoria, IL (January 2009).

“Preparing students for the dynamic social environments of music festival auditions and rehearsals.” Panel discussion (“Preparing students for the IMEA all-state and honors orchestra experience”) at the Illinois Music Educators Association All-State Conference, Peoria, IL (January 2009).

“Relatedness in secondary school music environments.” Poster session presented at the annual conference of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), Minneapolis, MN (October 2008).

“Motivation and the music learner.” Poster session presented at the 28th International Society for Music Education World Conference, Bologna, Italy. (July 2008).

“Experiencing Krannert Wall-to-Wall: A multi-perspective sociological analysis of a musical experience. Paper presented at the annual Ethnography of the University Initiative Student Conference, Urbana, IL (November 2007).