Eagle Promise Banner four students walking on Lisle campus

Counseling Center

At Benedictine University, we are committed to supporting our students academically, but also spiritually, mentally and physically. We provide wellness programming to help our students care for themselves while fulfilling their academic goals.

If you are experiencing an emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest hospital.

Closest hospital: Edward Hospital 825 S. Washington Street Naperville, IL 630-527-3000

For mental health crises: Linden Oaks Naperville Main Campus 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for an emergency walk-in assessment. Linden Oaks Main Campus is located at 852 S. West Street in Naperville. You may call Linden Oaks at (630) 305-5027 for more information.

Hours of operation for Spring 2024:

Monday through Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
and by appointment
10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
and by appointment

Please call (630) 829-1800 to schedule an appointment or walk into the counseling center in Lisle Campus, lower level Krasa 010.

The Counseling Center supports each student in their pursuit of personal, social and academic goals, and in keeping with the Benedictine University mission. We promote a student’s growth and development in a safe and confidential environment and by encouraging self-reflection.

These goals are achieved by:

  • Individual, couples and group counseling with a licensed professional and graduate level interns
  • Consultation with faculty or staff to support students
  • Crisis intervention
  • Outreach programming
  • Referrals
Student Life, students on campus

When concerned about a student, we suggest that you encourage the student to visit the Counseling Center to discuss their situation. Here are a few ways you can refer them to the Counseling Center:

  • Speak with the student one-on-one and suggest they visit the Counseling Center.
  • Call the Counseling Center while you are with the student, then offer the phone to the student.
  • Walk with the student to the Counseling Center. Students in crisis will take priority.

We understand that because of your concern for the student, you may want to follow up with the counselor. Please remember that the communication between a counselor and client is confidential. Without written consent from the student, we cannot and will not discuss the details of a student’s session or even confirm that the student in question is in counseling.

Mesa Campus Resources

The Mesa Campus has the Student Assistance Program with Catholic Charities. The Contact Number is (602) 749-4405 and students can receive 5 counseling sessions at no cost. After the first five, insurance can be used or the counselor can request additional support from the University for the student if they do not have insurance. All virtual appointments at this time.