CARE Team counselor with student


CARE Team – Campus Response Evaluation Team

As a member of the Benedictine community, you may sometimes be concerned about the well-being or safety of a student, faculty or staff member, or guest on campus. The Campus Response Evaluation (CARE) Team encourages you to share your concerns with the team.

When to Refer a Person to the CARE Team

Please report a concern if the person is:

  • Exhibiting unusual behavior, changes in normal behavior patterns or is know to have stopped taking medication.
  • Disruptive to the learning or living community.
  • Showing a decline in their quality of work, stopped attending classes, changes in participation.
  • Having personal difficulties, is know to have lost a close relative and not handling the loss, facing economic hardship, caring for an ill family member.

This list is meant to be a guideline and is not inclusive. If there is an imminent threat to self or others, call 9-1-1. For non-emergencies, contact Campus Safety at 630-829-6122.

How to refer an individual to C.A.R.E.

NOTE: In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the structure is designed to allow referrals to be viewed only by those individuals who have a need to know. The information shared will not become a part of the student’s permanent record. In addition, state and federal privacy laws prohibit the unauthorized disclosure of personally identifiable health information.