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Campus Safety Reporting & Resources

Campus Safety Reporting & Resources

Every year, the university publishes a report detailing campus safety. This report includes crime statistics, fire safety information, and security policies. It’s designed to be transparent and build trust with students and families.

The report also covers how crimes are reported. There’s a section dedicated to the Clery Act, a federal law requiring universities to disclose crime statistics. Additionally, the university utilizes Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) who are required to report crimes they witness.

There’s also a section on how missing students residing on campus are handled. Finally, the report details the Silent Witness program, which allows for anonymous reporting of crimes, misdeeds, and even parking or traffic concerns. This program protects your identity while allowing you to contribute to a safer campus community.

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

Every year, the Campus Public Safety Department publishes information about crime and fire statistics, as well as campus security policies. The Annual Security and Annual Fire Safety Reports offer more information about crucial public safety issues on campus and what the university is doing to keep our community safe.

Clery Act Statistics

The Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act is a federal mandate requiring that all institutions of higher education that participate in the federal student financial aid program disclose information about crime on their campuses and in the surrounding communities.

We understand that a safe campus is critical to our institution’s success. By creating a more transparent culture, we hope to foster the trust of prospective families and ensure an environment that encourages students’ academic and emotional security.

Campus Security Authorities (CSA)

The Clery Act designates members of the campus community as campus security authorities (CSA), which means that those individuals have an obligation under federal law to report crimes that occur on or around campus. CSAs play a key role in ensuring this institution’s safety by delivering information to the necessary offices such as the Campus Public Safety Department and the Title IX Office. Campus security authorities are a critical link within our community. They help ensure the campus remains informed and that individuals coming forward have access to the information and resources they deserve.

ResourcesDescriptionPolicyPolicy 2
if applicable
Alcohol and Drug PolicyGuidelines regarding the use, sale, delivery, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages in or on any property owned or controlled by the University.Alcohol and Drug PolicyDrug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
Biennial Review Report A review by the Institution of its Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program.Biennial Review Report
Missing Student Notification PolicyThis policy contains the official notification procedures for the University concerning missing students who reside
in on-campus housing.
Missing Student Notification Policy
Title IXIt is the policy of Benedictine University to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination based on sex (including sexual harassment and sexual violence) in the University’s educational program or activity, employment, and admissions. Title IX Policy and Reporting Title IX Policy
Illinois Registered Sex OffendersIllinois Compiled Statutes (730 ILCS 152/115 (a) and (b)) mandate that the Illinois State Police (“ISP”) establish and maintain a statewide Sex Offender Database, accessible on the Internet, identifying persons who have been convicted of certain sex offenses and/or crimes against children and must register as a Sex Offender.Illinois State Police Sex Offender Registry
Arizona Sex Offender Registry In Arizona, state government departments maintain the Sex Offender Registry, coordinating with the national Sex Offender Registry.Arizona Sex Offender Registry

Forms and Reporting

Below is a list of Campus Safety forms currently available in PDF format or online.

For PDF forms, please type the information in the form fields, save the file to your computer and attach the form to an email and send to #[email protected]. If the form requires your signature, please print the form and bring it to the Campus Safety office in the lower level of the parking garage or scan and submit the form via email.

For PDF forms, please type the information in the form fields, save the file to your computer and attach the form to an email and send to #[email protected]. If the form requires your signature, please print the form and bring it to the Campus Safety office in the lower level of the parking garage or scan and submit the form via email.

Silent Witness Report Form

The SILENT WITNESS REPORT FORM allows for the anonymous reporting of crime on campus to Campus Safety. When you use the SILENT WITNESS REPORT FORM, the only thing we receive is the information reported. We do not know who the sender is, as the system is designed to block out email addresses.

If you observed someone commit a crime on campus or are thinking about reporting a misdeed, but do not want to become involved, you can submit an anonymous message to us at the bottom of this webpage by completing the SILENT WITNESS REPORT FORM.

You can maintain your anonymity and be civically responsible in reporting crimes, misdeeds, parking complaints, traffic complaints or other issues, and provide any comments/suggestions to Campus Safety by completing the SILENT WITNESS REPORT FORM.

If you are involved in or are a bystander to a crime, there are several resources and options available. You may report the crime anonymously by completing the SILENT WITNESS REPORT FORM.

*In addition to reporting to Campus Safety, crimes of gender-based violence (including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking) can be reported anonymously to Title IX. Visit the Title IX webpage for more information on resources and options. Any gender-based violence crimes that are reported, in good faith, will not be subject to alcohol or drug violations of our student Code of Conduct.

When you use the Silent Witness report, the only thing we receive is the information reported. We do not know who the sender is, as the system is designed to block out email addresses.

Please keep in mind that in order for Campus Safety to protect the campus community and send out emergency notifications, we will need to know some basic information.

Please provide the following:

  • Location of the sexual misconduct crime,
  • Date of the sexual misconduct crime,
  • Time of day,
  • Description of the incident,
  • Description or name of the perpetrator,
  • Is the person still a threat to you?
  • Is the person still on campus?
  • Is there any physical evidence (video, clothing, bedding)?
  • Name(s) of witness(es) or bystander(s) and ability to contact them if applicable.