Tim Comar, PhD, Mathematical and computational sciences

Tim Comar, PhD


Faculty Email: tcomar@ben.edu

Phone: 630-829-6555

Office Location: Birck 128

BenU faculty since 2001
Ph.D., University of Michigan (1996)

Courses Taught
Math for Elementary Teachers, Calculus with Analytics, Calculus for Life Sciences, Complex Variables, Mathematical Research

Research Area
hyperbolic manifolds, Kleinian groups, topology, and the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics

Mathematical Biology: The Dynamics of Gene Regulatory Networks, Epidemiological and Ecological Models Using Impulsive Differential Equations; Low-Dimensional Topology: Knot Theory: (Stick Numbers, Hextile Knot Mosaics), Hyperbolic Manifolds, Kleinian Groups, Complex Dynamics, Spatial Graph Theory; Undergraduate Mathematical Biology Education and Course Development

Tim Comar, Ph.D.
Professor, Mathematical and Computational Sciences
[email protected]


Dynamics of Epidemic and Integrated Pest Management Models with Spatial Considerations

We investigate the dynamics of mathematical models for the spread of a disease, typically mitigated by a vaccination, and for integrated pest management of a pest species on a crop. We consider the effects of vaccination strategies, behavior modifications, and spatial and travel considerations on the dynamics of epidemic models, and we consider the effects of pest refuge, spatial consideration of arrangement of the crops, and introducing predators, pesticides on the dynamics of the pest control. Models rely on using impulsive differential equations, agent-based models, and possibly partial differential equations.

For this summer, the mode would primarily be online with occasional in-person meetings.