Michael Manning, Ph.D.

Michael Manning, PhD


Faculty Email: mmanning@ben.edu

Phone: 630-829-6051

Office Location: Goodwin 482

Dr. Michael Manning joined the Benedictine faculty in 2013 as Professor of Leadership, Strategy & Change in the doctoral program. He has held faculty appointments at New Mexico State University, Case Western Reserve University, Fielding Graduate University, and SUNY-Binghamton.

Dr. Manning currently serves as an associate editor of the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science and is active in the Academy of Management, where he is a former Chair of the Organization Development and Change Division. Dr. Manning has dedicated his professional career to educating and developing executives, designing effective organizations, and creating applied action research processes and intervention techniques. He teaches and consults throughout the U.S. and internationally in Mexico, Europe and the Baltic States, the Middle East, and the Far East.

Research interests: Multiple topics related to the management of change (whole systems change using large group interventions, the role of affect and emotion in change, identifying change moments); leading and collective action; occupational stress and well-being.