Gregory Ott, MA

Gregory Ott, MA

Program Director, Writing Program

Faculty Email:

Phone: 630-829-1321

Office Location: Kindlon 219 B

M.A. (Humanities), University of Chicago | 2006
B.A. (English), Saint Louis University | 2005

Teaching Interests
first-year composition; composition and rhetorical theory; writing assessment and placement; ethnographic writing; ESL/EFL theory; acquisition of literacy; higher education in prison

Publications & Presentations
“Auto-Ethnography of the Offender: A Writing Curriculum.” National Conference on Higher Education in Prison. (Nashville, TN; 2016).

“On the Road Show Ruins.” Road Show by Cindy Tower. Bruno David Gallery, 2014: 2-3. (exhibition essay).

“The Rhetoric of the City: Cindy Tower’s Workplace Series and the Metro East.” Midwest Modern Language Association Convention: The Lives of Cities. (Detroit, MI; 2014).

“Cindy Tower and the Discontiguous Sites of Art and Appreciation.” Collective Memory in St. Louis: Recollection, Forgetting and the Common Good Symposium. (St. Louis, MO; 2010).

Poems in The Cultural SocietyNatural BridgeUCity Review, and other print and online magazines.